Register for the Conference Early-Bird Rate of $125 For ALL 3 Days!

(Includes coffee, snacks, day 1 dinner and day 2 lunch!)

Join fellow Christian comedy performers as we come together to build our faith, enjoy fellowship, and encourage one another!

2025 Conference

June 1, 2 & 3!

Next Year's Theme: UNCOMPROMISED

How would you live differently if you saw yourself as as having been sent by Jesus? How different of a perspective would you have when walking into an open mic or comedy club if it wasn’t just about comedy? What if it was about who God called you to be and the impact He wants to make through you?

Maybe your career has been about getting laughs, getting paid, or getting ahead. These things are great, and that’s a big part of what makes a successful comedy career. What if we truly began to see ourselves not as comedians, but as ambassadors for Christ Himself.

Ambassador Definition:

am·bas·sa·dor /amˈbasədər/
noun: An accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.

It’s time that we as Christian comedians get to see ourselves as accredited diplomats for Christ. This year at the CCA we are encouraging each other to see each of us as ambassadors sent by Christ to represent Him to the world, not just as another comedian taking the stage.

"CCA is like

Built-in Family..."

Bob Smiley

27-Year Career Comedian

"God Brought CCA Into My Life!"

Janice Rigel

1st Time Attendee CCA Connect

Ready to Sign Up?

What is a CCA Conference Like?


As comedians who are Christians, Jesus is the object of our faith. We want to center everything we do in our lives and our careers around Him.

James 1:17 tells us that every gift is from God. The Bible encourages Christians to be “faithful stewards” of our God-given gifts; and that includes humor!


We can all experience fellowship with other believers in our local churches and community.
The CCA offers a unique and special opportunity to meet and connect with followers of Christ who are also gifted in the art and craft of comedy.
It’s an opportunity to connect with other comedy writers and performers who are also serious about their relationship with God.


Hebrews 10:24 says: “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another..."

We are committed to building a strong culture of mutual encouragement in our community of “funny people.”

What To Expect At a Conference

"Most Veteran Comedians Come To CCA To Give"

Robert G. Lee

36-Year Career Comedian

  • Time worshipping with fellow believers

  • Powerful speaker sessions from veteran comedians from our CCA community

  • Network with a true community of support

  • Fun! Fun! More fun!!!

  • Share meals together and build relationships

  • Be challenged and encouraged to integrate your comedy and your faith!

Schedule Of Fun!


Evening Showcase + Gala


9:00A - 5:00P Event


9:00A - 5:00P Event

The CCA Story

"Just 5 Weeks in Comedy CCA Was Perfect!"

Matt Brauning

First Year in Comedy

"Place for All Kinds of

Performers to Connect"

David Pendleton

CCA Executive Director

How The CCA Came Together

Comedians often work alone when on the road, and only occasionally intersect with each other. Performing clean comedy as a Christian can feel a little lonely at times, like there’s not a lot of us out there. But as it turns out, there are more of us than we imagined.

Our first informal gathering was held more than 20 years ago at “The Funny Farm,” a small ranch in Tennessee owned by comedian Chonda Pierce. The sentiment at the end of the gathering was that we should do this again! We knew that there were other comedians and performers out there who would love to connect through faith, fellowship, and encouragement.

The CCA evolved from several groups, friendships and late-night discussions from comics across the nation who found themselves drawn to one another to discuss our craft, mission, and need for accountability and fellowship. “Each one should use whatever gift he or she as received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (I Peter 4:10)

Today the Christian Comedy Association is a strong group of men and women of faith who come together each year to learn, grow, and encourage one another. There are no annual dues for membership, and the retreat is something we all look forward to every single year. Come on over and find out what all the fuss is about!

Location & Nearby Hotels

Event Venue | Tabernacle of Praise Church

1640 GA-42 NORTH | McDonough, GA 30253

Have Questions?

Thinking about this year's retreat but have some questions, we are here for you!

[email protected]

Want to Volunteer?

If you would like to volunteer for this year's retreat, email Michelle below!

[email protected]

Copyright 2024 | Christian Comedy Association | All Rights Reserved